What is one of the best things you can do for your health? As a naturopathic doctor, one of my first recommendations is regular exercise.

There is something almost magical about what exercise can do for you. Many people first think about weight loss, but movement does so much more. Regular activity can help your physical health with benefits like better energy, reduced pain, and improved digestion. It can also help your mental health with benefits like reduced stress and improved sleep. There are even numerous studies showing that exercise may prevent and even treat disorders like depression and anxiety.

Yet so many people struggle to be consistently active. How do I do it?

P90x Founder, Tony Horton and me.

P90x Founder, Tony Horton and me.

The first time I was regularly active was when I did a 90-day round of P90X in 2011. One of the most powerful parts of the program is that you have a physical calendar with all your workouts and after each workout, you cross the date out. I love this method because it’s easy, but also incredibly meaningful and motivating. There is something really satisfying about physically drawing an X versus clicking a button on your phone.

A physical calendar does so much more than any phone app or digital calendar can.

The problem with a phone tracker is that your phone can be a huge source of distraction. I’ve been guilty in the past of going into an exercise tracker like My Fitness Pal or Fitbit with an intention of marking off my activity. 30 minutes and numerous interesting articles later, I feel a little guilty for getting distracted on my phone. Not something that happens with a physical calendar! 

Today, my workout routines have changed, but I still use the physical calendar.

My calendar is in my room by the door, so I see it a few times every day, where I still cross out the day to show that I’ve hit my exercise goal. I also like to write the number of days in my current “streak.” If I miss a day, I know it’s not the end of the world, because I have my calendar to show me the overall level of consistency. 

I’m currently on my longest streak yet, finishing day 680 in a row as I write this article.

Now, I know that doing an intense hour-long workout every day is just not realistic, especially not over the long term. We know that one of the biggest problems when it comes to exercise and movement is the “All or Nothing” mindset. This is where having some flexibility and setting the bar low for what helps you “earn your X” will help you in the long term.

I’m not perfect, and you don’t have to be either.

Rockclimbing at Limehouse Conservation Area

I like to have a list of different types of activities I can do to earn my X, ranging from when I have lots of time and energy to when I have a lot less. So, on a day where things align, I may do a 45minute HIIT video or go rock climbing for two hours, but when time is tight, I might do something really simple like 10 squats, 10 push-ups and 10 lunges, followed by 30s of jumping jacks. The fact that I’ve taken time to intentionally focus on my movement is enough for me, and I know that in the long term, my consistency is helping push me forward.

Here are some tips to help you succeed and really earn your X.

⭐️Out of sight, out of mind.

  • Ensure to put your calendar somewhere you will see EVERY day, ideally multiple times so you won’t miss it. I put mine in front of my bedroom door. In the morning I find it can be motivating and a reminder to plan activity for the day if I haven’t done so already. If it’s a busy day and I miss out, seeing the calendar at the end of the day gets me motivated to do some brief movement to earn my X.

⭐️Keep it simple

  • Consistency is far more important than intensity for long term success. Give yourself a low bar and on days when you have more time or motivation, reach higher. 

⭐️Share your goals

  • Social support and accountability are significantly associated with better achievement towards goals. Let a friend or partner know what you’re trying to achieve, and even challenge them to do the same.

You are human, and humans are not perfect.

Life happens and we miss out on things. However, the value in tracking is that it allows us to keep the important information in mind. If you have days where you break your streak, take time to reflect and see what you can do in the future. Long term success is all about building awareness around our actions and learning new strategies for improvement.

So, go ahead, get yourself a calendar and give it a try for at least a month. You’ll be surprised how good you feel when you earn your X.