Food, Food, Food.

My favourite 'F' word.

As many of you know, the last five years I've been exploring where our food comes from, how it gets to our grocery stores, the processes involved and more.

Through all of my research and learning, I have found that a plant-based lifestyle works best for me given my values and the vast amount of nutrition research that I've done.

Fellow TOmillennials,

As fall approaches, I would encourage you to do some research of your own as well. Start asking questions. Start questioning what you do and consume on a daily and weekly basis. One of the hardest things we can do is look inward. It's difficult, but you can definitely do it...

Some questions I've asked myself over the years:

How do I feel after eating certain foods❓

Where does my food actually come from❓

Who (and what) is being hurt and impacted in the process❓

Am I getting enough nutrients❓ Vitamin B? C? D?

What nutrients do I actually need and what is the source of them❓

A couple of resources can be found below: (Plant-based Dietitian)

As always, I'm happy to help you, where I can. By no means am I an expert, but through my research/courses I have connected with many and I would love to refer you to them for any questions that you have.

A list of recommended ND's, Dietiticians, Nutritonists and other health / wellness practitioners will be coming onto this blog shortly as well. Just a heads up!


The Kale Queen
