Ah, the last long weekend of the summer is almost here!

Isn’t it still March? Apparently not.

If you already have plans for the upcoming weekend, enjoy them!

If not, take a look at these long weekend activity ideas that we’ve come up with.

  1. Take a hike🚶‍♂️
    Going on a long walk or a hike can be the perfect way to get some exercise while enjoying the calmness of the outdoors. Check out these trails. Don’t forget your camera to capture the beautiful scenary.

  2. Go for a drive 🚗
    Get in your car, put on your seat belt and start driving! Why not blast Vanessa’s Carlton’s ‘A Thousand Miles’ while you’re at it and replicate the classic 'White Chick’s scene? 🎵🎶 Or if that’s not your thing, check out one of the many podcasts on Spotify.

  3. Spend time with your family 👪
    Hopefully this is a relaxing activity for you! If not, skip it. You could take a small road trip to a lake or beach, or simply check out a local shop with them. I’ll be going to visit my parents over the long weekend and will be devouring some vegan Gelato at La Dolce Vita. It’s absolutely fantastic. Spending time with your family and those that love you can be very rejuvenating. Embrace the love.

  4. Cooking or baking 👨‍🍳🧁
    In recent years, psychologists have started spending more time exploring cooking and baking as a therapeutic tool to help people dealing with things like depression and anxiety. If you’re in need of lifted spirits, you should consider pulling out the flour and warming up the oven.

    A few of my favourite recipe websites include:
    From My Bowl
    Minimalist Baker
    Edgy Veg
    The Happy Pear

  5. Clean 🧹🧽
    Yeah, I said it. 😲 While this may not seem very relaxing, it can be an extremely rewarding activity. Blast some music, listen to a Podcast or two and get dusting! You will be done before you know it.

  6. Get your ZZZ’s 😴
    I mean seriously, is there any better way to relax than to curl up in a cozy blanket burrito and fall asleep?

  7. Start a new TV Series 📺

    With the advent of services like Netflix, it has never been easier to discover a new TV show that perfectly fits your entertainment wants. You can sit down for a few hours and watch the whole first season of your favourite show, all while curled up under your favourite blanket.
    Warning: Just don’t binge watch Selling Sunset like I did. That said, I don’t regret it. 😂

  8. Picnic in the park with friends 😀
    This has been one of my favourite relaxing summer activities so far! Change your scenery, bring lunch/snacks and hang out with people other than your coworkers via zoom.

Wishing everyone a relaxing weekend ahead! 💚

Don’t forget to:

🙌Wash your hands.
😷Wear a mask.
🖐️Physical distance (two metres).

Orange and Mint Event Announcement Picnic Instagram Post.jpg